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Shipping costs within Germany €4.90 / free shipping for orders over €99
Shipping costs within Germany €4.90 / free for orders over €99 | Welcome to Filafarm - 3D printing since 2014 | Visit our store in Berlin | Opening hours Monday - Friday 10am-4pm |
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Legal information concering order processing

Legal information concering order processing

  • After clicking on your "shopping cart" you will see your shopping cart with the products you have chosen so far. You can now either remove the items from your cart or you can change the number of items (enter new number and then click on refresh).
  • After having checked the number of chosen articles and if you really want to buy them please click "proceed to checkout".
  • Now there are only three further steps to finalise your order:
    1. As a new customer, you are required to furnish your email address and your name and postal address. You can also store your details here for later orders. If you are already one of our customers, just go to the button “Do you already have an account? Log in” and enter your email address and password.
    2. In the next window please choose delivery and payment methods.
    3. In a last step you will be shown a summary of your order along with your chosen delivery and payment method. This is the last time to make changes if necessary (delivery, payment, items, delivery and invoice address). To make any changes please click on "edit" where appropriate. With clicking "order now" you will finalise and activate your order.
  • After having placed your order you will be sent an E-mail containing your order, our general terms and conditions, our returns policy, a model revocation form, our data protection policy, as well as our legal details. You can access order details at any later time by loggin into your customer account on our webshop if you have opened such an account.
  • The online-shop is provided in German; conclusion of contract is in German language.
  • Your contractual partner is Daniel Gross, Knaackstr. 86, 10435 Berlin, Tel: 0049 / (0)30-34725587, Fax: 0049 / (0)322-26413613, E-Mail:
  • [ withdrawal policy]
  • [model withdrawal form]
  • You can reach our customer service department: Mondays – Fridays, 9-5 PM. Hotline – Support Tel. 030-34725587
  • Notes about liability for defects:There is a legal obligation for liablilty for defects for sold goods. We diverge from this according to the regulations in § 3 of our conditions of use.
  • For purposes of calculating the delivery times for goods in the case of prepayment, the time period begins to run from the time the customer issues payment instructions to his/her bank. In all other cases, the time period runs from the date the contract is formed. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not “business days”.
  • We accept these payment methods: PayPal, instant bank transfer, prepayment