Duet 3 Roto Toolboard
The Duet 3 Roto Toolboard is designed to integrate easily with the E3D Revo Roto extruder and the Revo hotend heaters and temperature sensors.
The Duet 3 Roto Toolboard is designed to integrate easily with the E3D Revo Roto extruder and the Revo hotend heaters and temperature sensors. The following connect using the E3D supplied connectors for easy wiring: extruder motor, a two or three wire heatsink fan, the Revo heater and thermistor and the secondary temperature sensor. In addition a 2,3,or 4 wire part cooling fan, 4 IO ports for endstops, filament monitor and Z probe, a neopixel header, and a Duet 3 scanning Z probe coil can be connected.
This reduces the number of wires needed to two power wires and a twisted pair for the CAN-FD bus.